Alumni Association
Learn more about the HPU Alumni Association.
HPU Alumni Association

The Alumni Association includes graduates from Howard Payne University, Howard Payne College, Daniel Baker College, former students who completed two semesters at Howard Payne, and friends of the university, all without annual dues.
Learn more about how you can join a group of like-minded individuals in support of the University.

Goals of the Alumni Association
The purpose of this Association shall be to further the interests of the University, its graduates, former students, and friends of the University by maintaining and developing the love and loyalty of the members of the Association for the University and for each other. This should be made evident by the active financial annual support of its members to achieve the goals of the university through gifts to the university’s Annual Fund. The Annual Fund at HPU provides much needed support to the campus budget including student scholarships and faculty needs. Please consider making a gift to the Annual Fund today.
In 2017 it was decided that there would no longer annual Alumni Association dues!
- Every student who has graduated from Howard Payne University, Howard Payne College or Daniel Baker College is now a member of the Association.
- Former students who have completed at least two semesters (24 credit hours) at Howard Payne shall be members of the Association unless they choose to opt-out of the Association.
- All friends who express their desire to be a member shall be permitted and considered “alumni by choice” once reviewed and accepted by the Office of Alumni Relations.
- We hope that you will show your support through volunteering, attending regional events, engaging in the lives of current students and giving back financially to your university.
Please consider making a gift to HPU’s Annual Fund, Alumni Association, or Alumni Association Scholarship today. For more information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at or 325-649-8044.
We hope you continue to show your support of Howard Payne University!
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Tim Brasher ’95
Nelda Findley
Carpenter ’72
Janet Dance ’88
Sophia Faulkner ’70
Blanca Gamez ’09 & ’16
Hannah Gramling ’12
Jimmy Hudson ’04
Donna Dorman Hussey ’91
Cara Brewer Landers ’10
Natalia Lopez ’06
Beverly Purvis
Martin ’67
Miki Mieth Martin ’80
Ryan McCord ’21
Alex McKee ’66
Cynthia Montalvo ’23
Josh Murray ’99
Wanda Rainey ’81
Jerry Ramirez ’93 & ’09
Anna Delgado Ramos ’90
Tommy Sanders ’69
Courtney Wallace
Schisler ’98
Dr. Scott Venable ’02
Dr. Rick Willis ’82